Sobre l'escriptura, sobre l'amor, sobre els peixos abissals, sobre el desig ferotge, sobre la cuina de la padrina, sobre la pau de pa en fonteta, sobre els crepuscles, sobre la violència de cada nit, sobre el Mac, sobre les lleis, sobre les carreteres amarades d'accidents, sobre la solitud, sobre l'amistat, sobre el suïcidi, sobre les fanerògames, sobre la pesca amb canya, sobre la religió com a secta anorreadora, sobre Salvador Galmés, sobre els terratrèmols, sobre la simbiosi, sobre les constel·lacions de Miró, sobre els escarabats merders, sobre Clarice Linspector, sobre la capella de Barceló a la Seu de Mallorca, sobre els braus, sobre Einstein, sobre la música de Monk i Coltrane, sobre la grip, sobre els dietaris de Valery Larbaud, sobre l'arítmia, sobre la corrupció, sobre el políticament correcte, sobre els nins de la guerra, sobre les plantes enfiladisses, sobre la mentida, sobre les pasteres, sobre Liz Taylor, sobre la fam, sobre la vanitat, sobre els coixins de plomes, sobre la hipocresia, sobre l'Sputnik, sobre la vorera i el fons del mar, sobre els lepidòpters, sobre les malalties cròniques, sobre les marees, sobre la sal de cocó, sobre els delits i els deliris. Sobre tu.
You hit the spot send a heatwave through my brain Another shot of an antidote for pain When I get the fear gets down to the bone A briefly (groove continues) When you're near I don't feel alone
You hit the spot everybody makes me cringe It's worth a shot I'd rather burn than singe When the walls close in I feel crushed I'll take your calls I'll take your loving touch
Oh ooh baby your love gives me all Even when this world makes my skin crawl
You hit the spot wipe out the rest of the world Don't ask me what you're doing here my girl A natural thing among these substitutes You wear the ring I wear the monkey suit
Oh yeah Oh oh yeah
You hit the spot look out look out look out look out What you haven't got you always worry about These tangled hours we just can't unwind Won't interfere leaving them behind
Oh ooh baby your love gives me all
Even when this world makes my skin crawl
You hit the spot don't do this again You seem to blot out all the pain When I get the fear gets down to the bone When you're near I don't feel alone
Oh oh yeah Oh oh yeah
Spot spot spot - Yeah, you hit the spot Spot spot spot - You just seem to blot Spot spot spot - out all the pain Spot spot spot - But don't miss again Spot spot spot - You hit the spot Spot spot spot - You hit the spot You hit the spot - Hit it hit it hit it
"I consider myself first and foremost a music fan, and second a songwriter," says Feder. "So I think writing a great pop song is more of an art than churning out some self-important, experimental crap that only the cool kids are gonna like."
Sie will ein Fisch im Wasser sein Im flaschengrünen, tiefen See. Sie will mit Wasser sich besaufen Und paar Blasen blubbern lassen Was sie dann will, Sas ist mit Neptun schweigen Und in Ruhe tun, was sie sonst nie tut, Was sie sonst nicht kann und soll.
La vida y la muerte bordada en la boca tenía Merceditas, la del guardarropa. La [ la. 'i. a. la. 'me. te. o. 'a. a. en. la. 'o. ka. te. 'na. me. e. 'i. tas] [la. 'el. a. a. 'ro. pa] [ . del guardarropa del tablao de "El Lacio", un gitano falso, ex-bufón de palacio, 'el. a. a. 'ro. pa. 'el. . '. '. '. ] ['n. . '. . '. ] [ '. . 'n. . . '. ] alcahuete noble que al oír los tiros recogió sus capas y se pegó el piro. Se acabó [. . '. . '. . '. . '. . '. . . . '. '. '. . . . . '. '. ] ['. . '. el jaleo, y el racionamiento le llenó el bolsillo y montó este invento, en donde "El . 'o] ['. . '. . 'n. . . . '. . '. . n. '. . 'n. ] [n. 'n. . Palmo" lloró cantando... Ay, mi amor, sin ti no entiendo el despertar. Ay, mi amor, '. . . '. n. 'n. ] ['] [ . '] [n. '. n. 'n. . . . '] ['. . '] sin ti mi cama es ancha. Ay, mi amor, que me desvela la verdad...entre tú y yo, la [n. '. . '. . '. ] ['] [. '] [. . . '. . . . '] [n. . '. ] [ soledad y un manojillo de escarcha. Mil veces le pide y mil veces que nones, de . e. '. . . .'. . . '. ] [. '. . . '. . . '. . . '. ] [. compartir sueños, cama y macarrones. Le dice, burlona, carita gitana: "¿cómo . . '. '. ] ['. . . . '. ] [. '. ] [. '. ] [. '. . . '. ] ['. hacer buen vino de una cepa enana?". Y Curro se muerde los labios y calla, pues . . . '. . '. . '. . '. ] [i. '. . . '. . . '. . . ''. ] ['. no hizo la mili por no dar la talla. Y quien calla otorga, como dice el dicho... y Curro '. . . '. . . . '. . '. ] [i. n. '. . '. ] ['. . '. . '. ] [i. '. se muere por ese mal bicho. . '. . . '. . . '. ]
Romance de Curro El Palmo. (J.M. Serrat) Antonio Vega
God is a concept, by which we can measure, our pain,
I'll say it again, God is a concept, by which we can measure, our pain,
I don't believe in magic, I don't believe in I-ching, I don't believe in bible, I don't believe in tarot, I don't believe in Hitler, I don't believe in Jesus, I don't believe in Kennedy, I don't believe in Buddha, I don't believe in mantra, I don't believe in Gita, I don't believe in yoga, I don't believe in kings, I don't believe in Elvis, I don't believe in Zimmerman, I don't believe in Beatles,
I just believe in me, Yoko and me,
And that's reality.
The dream is over, What can I say?
1. The dream is over, 2. Yesterday, I was dreamweaver, but now I'm reborn, 3. I was the walrus, but now I'm John,
And so, dear friends, You just have to carry on, The dream is over..
Well, I've been waiting, waiting here so long but thinking nothing, nothing could go wrong, ooh now I know She has a built in ability to take everything she sees And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
Well, I don't really know her, I only know her name But she crawls under your skin, youre never quite the same, and now I Know
She's got something you just can't trust It's something mysterious And now it seems I'm falling, falling for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold of your heart She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
She dont like losing, to her its still a game And though she will mess up your life, You'll want her just the same, and now I know She has a built in ability to take everything she sees And now it seems Ive fallen, fallen for her.
She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah She reaches in, and grabs right hold in your heart She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah It takes control and slowly tears you apart.
She seems to have an invisible touch, ooh She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah She seems it takes control and ... nowI know I can dance
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee thus spoke the prophet Muhammad Ali Free Mike Tyson and Ice T Free every mother and the B.B.C.
One for sorrow two for joy three for a girl and four for a boy Free the police and the C.I.A. Reggie Kray and the I.R.A.
Free yourself Free yourself
Free your conscience free your soul Free your mind and your ass will follow Free the heroes and villains too Chinaman caucasian blackman Jew Free Mary Jo Anna and L.S.D. Free every mother plus you and me Free Mao Tse Tung and J.F.K. Jesus Christ and the U.S.A.
I know about the way you feel 'Cause I can feel your pain I know about the way you feel It's happening to me again
Free yourself Free yourself
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee thus spoke the prophet Muhammad Ali Free Mike Tyson and Ice T Free every mother and the B.B.C. I said one for sorrow two for joy Three for a girl and four for a boy Free the police and the C.I.A. Jesus Christ and the U.S.A.
I know about the way you feel 'Cause I can feel your pain I know about the way you feel It's happening to me again
¿Sin inspiración? Utilice el sistema PAC, siguiendo estos sencillos pasos, y verá cómo la musa cibernética se asoma a la ventana (de su navegador).
Escriba en el campo dispuesto a tal efecto un "verso base", y haga click en el botón "Siguiente". Por favor utilice versos cortos, tales como "el crepúsculo dorado me quiebra", o "adoro a mi perro".
Una herramienta para poetas bloqueados - según su autor -.
pas pas paspaspas pas pasppas ppas pas paspas le pas pas le faux pas le pas paspaspas le pas le mau le mauve le mauvais pas paspas pas le pas le papa le mauvais papa le mauve le pas paspas passe paspaspasse passe passe il passe il pas pas il passe le pas du pas du pape du pape sur le pape du pas du passe passepasse passi le sur le le pas le passi passi passi pissez sur le pape sur papa sur le sur la sur la pipe du papa du pape pissez en masse passe passe passi passepassi la passe la basse passi passepassi la passio passiobasson le bas le pas passion le basson et et pas le basso do pas paspas do passe passiopassion do ne do ne domi ne passi ne dominez pas ne dominez pas vos passions passives ne ne domino vos passio vos vos ssis vos passio ne dodo vos vos dominos d’or c’est domdommage do dodor do pas pas ne domi pas paspasse passio vos pas ne do ne do ne dominez pas vos passes passions vos pas vos vos pas dévo dévorants ne do ne dominez pas vos rats pas vos rats ne do dévorants ne do ne dominez pas vos rats vos rations vos rats rations ne ne ne dominez pas vos passions rations vos ne dominez pas vos ne vos ne do do minez minez vos nations ni mais do minez ne do ne mi pas pas vos rats vos passionnantes rations de rats de pas pas passe passio minez pas minez pas vos passions vos vos rationnants ragoûts de rats dévo dévorez-les dévo dédo do domi dominez pas cet a cet avant-goût de ragoût de pas de passe de passi de pasigraphie gra phiphie graphie phie de phie phiphie phéna phénakiki phénakisti coco phénakisticope phiphie phopho phiphie photo do do dominez do photo mimez phiphie photomicrographiez vos goûts ces poux chorégraphiques phiphie de vos dégoûts de vos dégâts pas pas ça passio passion de ga coco kistico ga les dégâts pas le pas pas passiopas passion passion passioné né né il est né de la né de la néga ga de la néga de la négation passion gra cra crachez cra crachez sur vos nations cra de la neige il est il est né passioné né il est né à la nage à la rage il est né à la né à la nécronage cra rage il il est né de la né de la néga néga ga cra crachez de la né de la ga pas néga négation passion passionné nez pasionném je je t’ai je t’aime je je je jet je t’ai jetez je t’aime passionném t’aime je t’aime je je jeu passion j’aime passionné éé ém émer émerger aimer je je j’aime émer émerger é é pas passi passi éééé ém éme émersion passion passionné é je je t’ai je t’aime je t’aime passe passio ô passio passio ô ma gr ma gra cra crachez sur les rations ma grande ma gra ma té ma té ma gra ma grande ma té ma terrible passion passionnée je t’ai je terri terrible passio je je je t’aime je t’aime je t’ai je t’aime aime aime je t’aime passionné é aime je t’aime passioném je t’aime passionnément aimante je t’aime je t’aime passionnément je t’ai je t’aime passionné né je t’aime passionné je t’aime passionnément je t’aime je t’aime passio passionnément
ELIZA emulates a Rogerian psychotherapist. ELIZA has almost no intelligence whatsoever, only tricks like string substitution and canned responses based on keywords. Yet when the original ELIZA first appeared in the 60's, some people actually mistook her for human (!). The illusion of intelligence works best, however, if you limit your conversation to talking about yourself and your life (claro...).
This javascript version of ELIZA was originally written by Michal Wallace and significantly enhanced by George Dunlop.
Note: Eliza is dumb! (?) This is common knowledge (?). Please don't write to me telling me she's dumb, or how to fix it. If you don't like the way she works, you can change the code yourself (do it! don't be shy!).